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Maintaining Your Pool Heat Pump

To ensure that your heat pump is always performing to the best of its ability, it is crucial that the heat pump is maintained correctly. Early maintenance prevents potential problems later down the line and will extend the units life span.

To get the most out of your heat pump, there are a variety of maintenance tips that can be used to ensure the heat pump is maintained to a satisfying standard.

Should I check my unit regularly?

It is highly recommended that your unit be checked regularly to prevent any potential issues or damages to your heat pump. Your heat pump should be ran routinely to check that it is in working order and prevent internal debris buildup.

What should I be checking?

All water inlet and outlets should be checked often for leaks when in use and not in use. Air and water should be able to enter into the system, as when it is prevented from doing so it will influence the unit’s performance and reliability.

Make sure to discharge all water in water pump and water system after use, so that the remaining water does not freeze.

If the unit is to be left idle for an extended period, it is beneficial to discharge the water at the bottom of the water pump.

After the unit has been unused for an extended period of time, the unit should be checked and filled with water fully before using it again.

The power supply and cable connection should be checked often, if the unit appears to operate abnormally or you have any concerns, turn it off and contact a qualified technician.

Do I need to clean around and on my heat pump?

Heat pump coils should be cleaned at least once a year and whenever they appear dirty or dusty. Dirty air coils will affect the unit’s performance as they will reduce airflow and the transfer of heat in either direction.

Any debris that catches in the unit’s air intake such as sticks or leaves should be cleared away. The area surrounding the heat pump should be dry, clean and well ventilated to ensure maximum performance.

The pool and spa filter should be cleaned regularly to avoid damage to the unit due to a dirty or clogged filter. Ensuring you have a clean unit will improve its efficiency and life span significantly.

Avoid exposing your heat pump to excessive streams of water flow.

Do I need to get my unit serviced?

It is highly recommended that once a year, your EvoHeat unit is serviced by a certified air conditioning or refrigeration technician. Units that are located in coastal areas may need more frequent maintenance than other areas.

During a service, a technician will check the operational pressures of the refrigeration system and give both the unit and fins a good clean to ensure that they are performing to the best of their ability.

We do not recommend that you open up your pool heat pump yourself in any attempt to service its internal components, it is always recommended to use a certified technician.

Do we have recommended service agents?
EvoHeat have a large database of recommended service agents. Please contact EvoHeat tech support on 1300 859 933 for your local service agent details.


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