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Evo Industries supports the Australian Privacy Policy. We respect and carefully manage personal information that is collected via our website and social platforms.


This Privacy Policy provides you with general information about how we manage your personal information. We will ensure that your personal information is handled securely and carefully and will only be used when it is necessary for us to provide you a service or perform other necessary business functions and activities.


Personal information is often required in order for us to perform our pool heating evaluations and contact us requests.

Information that we collect may include: names, phone numbers, emails, addresses and necessary pool specifications and information. Note: this information is collected and used only to deliver you with an accurate pool heating evaluation and information.

In most cases, personal information collected is provided directly by you when completing our online forms (Contact Us and Pool Heating Evaluation forms). Other forms of collecting personal information includes verbal (phone or in person), written communication or through other persons or organisation collecting information on your behalf.

Your personal information is stored via our secure computers and programs or in hard copy (paper files).


On some occasions, your personal information may be required to be passed onto third party companies to perform necessary business functions (e.g. arrange delivery/courier's services, provide quotes etc.). When necessary to collect persona information, we will obtain the information directly from you where possible and will always use lawful means of collecting information. We do not sell or give your personal information to any other parties. We will not use your information for purposes unrelated to the services we provide.


If you do not wish to be contacted by EvoHeat via direct marketing please contact us on 07 3162 2213 or email us at marketing@evoheat.com.au.


If you have a complaint about how we collect and use your personal information please contact us on 07 3162 2213 or email marketing@evoheat.com.au.


Our privacy policies and procedures will be reviewed and updated in accordance to legislative changes.


EvoHeat means smarter living through energy saving. Contact Us today!

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