Robina Fitness First

Client: Fitness First
Location: Robina, QLD
Head Contractor: Evo Energy Technologies
Heat Pumps Installed: EvoHeat CS95-GEN2 Heat Pump & 5 x Evo270 hot water systems
Application: Commercial Pool Heating and Hot Water Heating

Robina Fitness First was needing to replace their old and very costly gas boilers with new cutting-edge technology!

In order to heat the pool for the gym, an EvoHeat CS95 was installed due to its extremely reliable and energy efficient technologies.

Installed just behind the heat pump unit were five Evo270 units. The Evo270 is ideal for domestic and commercial water heating applications and will save you and the environment up to 75% on traditional hot water heating costs.

Outstanding Results

Together, the EvoHeat CS95 unit and Evo270 units replaced the outdated gas boilers and will be helping Fitness First with enormous savings and reliable heating.

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