Funfields Themepark

Client: Funfields Themepark
Location: Whittlesea, VIC
Heat Pumps Installed: 3 x EvoHeat CS200-GEN2 Heat Pumps
Application: Pool Heating

Funfields Themepark in Whittlesea, VIC is using EvoHeat’s highly efficiency technology to heat their Volcano Beach Wave pool!

Three EvoHeat CS200-GEN2 heat pumps have been successfully installed at Funfields Themepark in Victoria. Known for their efficiency and versatility, the CS-GEN2 series heat pumps are an ideal choice for heating pools of any size, making them a popular option for waterparks and aquatic centers across Australia.

Guests at Funfield’s Volcano Beach wave pool will enjoy a comfortably warm swimming experience, enhancing the fun and excitement of their visit.

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